
AR systems are studied for over 20 years. With smartphone and wearable communication and information technologies (ICT) are ubiquitous, mobile AR systems (MARS) open various opportunities for users to experience and interact with physical location information on the move (Kourouthanassis, Boletsis, Bardaki, & Chasanidou, 2015)

MARS examples:
The Museum of London's Streetmuseum
[ print version thesis available upon request ]

current MARS use highlights:

Pokémon Go
Purpose of the Study
Users-Media Figures Para-Social Interactions for Companionship Needs
Media researchers have studied the perceived relationship that media users develop with media figures. Research on traditional media (e.g., TV, radio) use finds media users interact with media figures, but do not identify with those figures.

A relationship of friendship or intimacy by a television viewer with a remote media character It is based on affective ties by the viewer with the media character. As such it may take the form of seeking guidance from the characters, making friends with them and imagining being part of the program’s social world (Michael Antecol, as cited in Orlik, 2015).

Theoretical Framework
Significance of the Study Research Questions

Literature Review

The Domestication of Media in Everyday Life
Traditional Media and Companionship Interactive Media and Companionship

more Literature Review

Mobile Augmented Reality System for Location Experience Design for Facilitating Companionship PARO Theraputic Robot


The Domestication Approach (Silverstone et al., 2005) was used to examine the use patterns of Pokémon Go whereas the Uses and Gratification Theory (Katz et al., 1974) was utilized to investigate use motivations. A triangulation method combined a participant observation in Kaohsiung, Taiwan and a qualitative content analysis from a popular Taiwanese Facebook Group Page to learn patterns and motivations of the MARS experience.

Why Taiwan


more Methodology

Content Analysis of Posts on the Facebook Group Page Data Analysis


In summary, this study found that the Taiwanese MARS users utilized the system to fulfill their information, communication, socialization, entertainment, and companionship needs. They also incorporated the system into their everyday life activities.


Implications and Conclusions Limitations and Suggestions for Future Studies
For future study, applying the traditional companionship scales to conduct quantitative research might help to generalize with more accuracy than the researcher’s personal experience and impressions.

Design Reserach

According to the primary research findings:




See What I See” MARS Design

Why Kaohsiung

“See What I See” MARS Prototype